Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Laguna Hills Rents Are Increasing!

Laguna Hills Has Some Of The Nations Highest Rents.

Is now the time to stop renting?

If you plan to stay in Laguna Hills for more than 12 months the answer is yes. Because you can lock in a fixed payment often lower than what your paying in rent.  With the current average rent in Laguna Hills over $2600 per month having a fixed mortgage payment guarantees you will not pay more in the future.

What will rental costs be in the OC going forward?

No matter where you live in Orange County, if you are a renter, the current trend of increasing rent payments is not your friend.   This is because the annual increase in rent is between 5% and 10% annually countywide.  If you’re paying the average rent in Laguna Hills and you need to move a year from now, then you can expect to pay approximately $2800 for a similar home in Laguna Hills. To increase the likelihood of paying less rent the best way will be to move to less expensive and less desirable cities.

What will rental costs be in Laguna Hills in the future?

It will most certainly be more than it is now.  Recall what you were paying in rent in the past.  Now you are likely paying more in rent for a smaller home.  It’s also likely that the longer you have been renting the more you are paying while at the same time homeowners with fixed-rate mortgages are paying the same amount not to mention the loss of the interest tax deduction renters don’t receive and the appreciation value of the property occupied.
The area in red on the map below have seen rents increase the most.

What can you do to secure a better future for you and your family?

Start looking for a home. There is a good chance that your monthly payment will be less than your rent…

We will send you all the homes for sale you qualify to buy in your preferred area.

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